Lynne is a volunteer with CPL/N2SS. Her talk at Creative Aging on Holistic Pain Management was insightful and informative.
March 18, 2019
Creative Aging’s March meeting at Eastern New Mexico University –Ruidoso was a discussion of Holistic Pain Management presented by Lynne Jeffrey, a registered
nurse with a license in holistic medicine. She presented the Holistic Circle, which divided
people’s lives into three parts: mental, physical, and emotional. All parts are equally important,
and if people concentrate on the parts of the circle that are strongest, the weakest parts of the
circle will repair themselves. Jeffrey suggested that we all journal every day. This journal should
include our medications, our pain levels, our energy levels, our exercise times, our food & drink
intake, and our social times. It is a way of comparing and identifying the weaknesses in our
holistic circle. Chronic pain is increased or decreased by diet, hydration, social interaction,
depression, exercise, faith, rest, and cleanliness. Ms. Jeffrey suggested to the group of 50
participants that we could manage and control chronic pain by taking charge of our lives and
discussing alternatives to the sole use of prescription drugs with our medical providers.
The next Creative Aging program will be a panel discussion of Domestic Abuse. The group will
meet at ENMU-Ruidoso on March 22, 2019 at 10:00 a.m.
All meetings are open to the public and refreshments are served.