Saturday, June 9, 2018

More on 100th Anniversary of Belleau Wood. Sunday, June 10 program

Belleau Wood: Why this WWI battle 

is still important in US

  • From the BBC News: 5 June 2018

Marines at Belleau WoodImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionThe valour of the Marines of the 2nd Division is still remembered

As its 100th anniversary approaches, Patrick Gregory looks at what happened in the World War I battle of Belleau Wood and asks why it occupies such a special place in American military history.
In late April, a photo opportunity featuring Emmanuel Macron, Donald Trump and their respective wives planting a sapling on the White House lawn was beamed around the world.
After the cameras had left, and the picture and visit aside, what attracted more publicity was the subsequent "revelation" that the young tree in question had been removed soon after the slightly awkward ceremony, taken into temporary quarantine.
What achieved less attention at the time was where the sapling had come from and why - a small wood 50 miles from Paris, the Bois de Belleau in France's Aisne department.
Belleau Wood - a bloody encounter of WW1 - occupies a special place in the annals of American military history, an early and vital display of American capability on the battlefield.
As with most such scenes of slaughter of the First World War, it is the only the battle monuments and graveyard that give any clue as to what happened 100 years ago.
Set amidst small villages and farmland 50-odd miles north-east of Paris, Belleau Wood is as quiet now as it doubtless was before the fighting erupted there in June 1918. And that fighting was brutal.
Belleau Wood today.  The battle of Belleau Wood took place in June 1918 as the German army pursued a spring offensive, pushing against US positions. Eventually the US Marines cleared the woods, though not without suffering the worst losses their unit had seen up until that time.
photo by
I was in France recently, accompanying a party of American military history enthusiasts who were tracing sites of 1918's key battles in the run-up to this year's Armistice centenary.

Trump and Macron plant a tree from Belleau WoodsImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionTrump and Macron plant a tree from Belleau Wood

I was struck, as I had been before, not only by how knowledgeable groups like these were about the whole range of World War I's battles, but also by how keen they were to visit all sites irrespective of the Allied nations involved.
American battlefields yes, but also ones associated with British, French, Canadian, Australian or New Zealand troops.
But for two of the party in particular, ex-Marines and Vietnam veterans, business was still business. All the stops on the way - including to American battlefields - were but a prelude to the site of Belleau Wood near the river Marne.
What happened there was an important moment in the development of the US Marine Corps and the Americans' contribution in the war.

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By May 1918 the US had been a combatant in the war for over a year; yet its troops, still arriving in France, had thus far played only a supporting role. That was to change.
The American Expeditionary Force commander John Pershing had to date stubbornly resisted Allied efforts to co-opt his men - a regiment here, a regiment there - to add to their own ranks, remaining determined to train and assemble a fully-fledged army of his own.
The moment now arrived for the first US-led offensive of the war. On 28 May 1918, Pershing's trusted First Division, the "Big Red One", attacked at Cantigny in northern France, 20 miles south of Amiens.
The operation proved a success. Of limited strategic value, perhaps, but the three-day battle nonetheless demonstrated that the American troops could fight and acted as a psychological boost for the AEF.

Aisne-Marne American CemeteryImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionSome of the dead were laid to rest at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery

However, of more immediate concern to the Allies was the new and deadly enemy offensive which had been unleashed 50 miles south-east of them, cutting easily through Allied lines and driving further south towards the river Marne, leaving German forces within striking distance of Paris.
On 30 May two other American divisions, the 2nd & 3rd, were ordered into the area, arriving from different directions east and west. A machine gun battalion of the latter secured the south bank of the Marne at the key bridgehead of Château-Thierry as other of their number began to arrive on the scene.
But the main action of the weeks ahead would lie north-west of the town, involving men of the 2nd Division; in particular, two of their regiments, a brigade of Marines led by Pershing's old chief of staff James Harbord. It would be their efforts to secure a woodland there that would capture headlines, helped in part by the purple prose of journalist Floyd Gibbons.
Belleau Wood was little more than a mile long and half a mile wide, yet it would cost many lives to capture and would be reported across the world.
"It was perhaps a small battle in terms of World War I," says Professor Andrew Wiest of the University of Southern Mississippi. "But it was outsized in historic importance. It was the battle that meant that the US had arrived."
Yet as operations go, as brave and tenacious as the soldiers were, it was poorly planned and badly commanded, certainly in its opening phases.
After adjacent areas were captured, the decision was taken to advance on the wood on the afternoon of 6 June. But little reconnaissance had been carried out as to what to expect when they got there and only scant artillery fire was laid down beforehand.

Boy climbs on cannon on 100th anniversary at Belleau WoodImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionGlen Wede, 10, from Maryland, climbs on a cannon at Belleau Wood, 100 years on

Inside, German machine gunners had taken up positions in defensive holes, behind rocky outcrops and shielded by dense undergrowth. Worse, the Marines now advanced towards them in rank formation over the exposed ground outside. They were slaughtered. By nightfall, 222 were dead and over 850 wounded.
Bloodied but focused on the task, they went again the next day. And the one after that. But little headway was being made. An intense artillery barrage now directed followed by yet another assault.
The casualties mounted, but still the German troops dug in. The fighting laboured on for three weeks, and in its final stages, foot by foot, hand to hand, it intensified in savagery.
Guns and grenades gave way to bayonets and "toad-stickers", eight-inch triangular blades set on knuckle-handles, as the Marines slashed their way through the last of their enemy.
As the story goes, German officers, in their battle reports, referred to the Marines as Teufelshunde "Devil Dogs"; and journalist Gibbons also helped, singling out one gunnery sergeant in dispatches as "Devil Dog Dan". Either way, the name and image stuck and went on to become a Marine mascot.
"It was the day the US Marines went from being a small force few people knew about to personifying elite status in the US military," says Andrew Wiest. The corps had roots dating back to the American War of Independence but from Belleau, there developed much of its modern lore and myth.
More significantly, and of strategic importance, their intervention at Belleau and that of their 2nd and 3rd Division colleagues at the time in the surrounding area on the Marne put paid to the German advance, at what was a dangerous moment in the war for the Allies.
The commander of the US First Division Robert Lee Bullard declared after it: "The Marines didn't win the war here. But they saved the Allies from defeat. Had they arrived a few hours later I think that would have been the beginning of the end. France could not have stood the loss of Paris."
Patrick Gregory is co-author with Elizabeth Nurser of An American on the Western Front: The First World War Letters of Arthur Clifford Kimber 1917-18 (The History Press) American on the Western Front & on Twitter @AmericanOnTheWF

Image caption

Friday, June 8, 2018

For your information: Some WWI Facts

European diplomatic alignments shortly before the war. Note: Germany and the Ottoman Empire only formed an alliance shortly following the outbreak of the war.

Map of the world with the participants in World War I in 1917. Allies are in green, the Central Powers in orange and neutral countries in grey.
     World War I began in 1914, after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife that occurred on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo.  He was the heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne.  Historians feel that a number of factors beyond the assassination contributed to the rivalry between the Great powers that allowed war on such a wide-scale to break out.

     WWI began in the Balkans in late July 21914 and ended November 1918, leaving 17 million dead and 20 million wounded.

     During the conflict, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire (the Central Powers) fought against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the United States (the Allied Powers).

On April 6, 1917, the U.S. joined its allies--Britain, France, and Russia--to fight in World War I. Under the command of Major General John J. Pershing, more than 2 million U.S. soldiers fought on battlefields in France. Many Americans were not in favor of the U.S. entering the war and wanted to remain neutral.

For WWI, the Selective Service Act of May 18, 1917, introduced a system of conscription.

Uncle Sam created in 1917 for Army recruiting posters. Created by James Montgomery Flagg.  He also created 46 other posters during WWI.  Uncle Sam "I want You" posters also used in WWII.

George M. Cohan's song "Over There" captured the patriotic mood of the time.

June 6, when American entered the Battle of Belleau Woods in WWI, is ALSO D-Day for WWII

PBS has an excellent three-part series on WWI.  If you can stream PBS, I recommend watching this series

Red Poppies commemorate WWI. The remembrance poppy is an artificial flower that has been used since 1921 to commemorate military personnel who have died in war, and represents a common or field poppy, Papaver rhoeas. Inspired by the World War I poem "In Flanders Fields", and promoted by Moina Michael, they were first adopted by the American Legion to commemorate American soldiers killed in that war (1914–1918). They were then adopted by military veterans' groups in parts of the British Empire. (from wikipedia)
also SEE this year's Vietnam War Memorial poppy display at

Animals in the WWI

Sgt Stubby info from Wikipedia 
Stubby is a real dog who was the official mascot of the 102 Infantry Regiment (US), assigned to the26th (Yankee) Division.
     Stubby served for 18 months and participated in seventeen battles on the Western Front. He saved his regiment from surprise mustard gas attacks, found and comforted the wounded, and once caught a German soldier by the seat of his pants, holding him there until American soldiers found him. His actions were well-documented in contemporary American newspapers.
     Stubby has been called the most decorated war dog of World War I and the only dog to be nominated for rank and then promoted to sergeant through combat, a claim having no official documentary evidence, but recognized in connection with an exhibition at the Smithsonian Institution.
     Sgt. Stubby is the subject of a 2018 animated film:
 Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero is a 2018 computer-animated adventure film centering on the real-life Sergeant Stubby, a stray Boston Terrier] who becomes a hero during World War I. Directed and co-written by Richard Lanni. The film was released in North America on April 13, 2018 by Fun Academy Motion Pictures.
     What great way for younger generation to learn about WWI.

American soldiers paying tribute to all the horses that lost their life in World War I.
This was taken in 1918. Very powerful photograph!
below is information accompanying this photo on facebook

The British, Commonwealth and Allied forces enlisted many millions of animals to serve and 
often die alongside their armies. These animals were chosen for a variety of their natural 
instincts and vast numbers were killed, often suffering agonising deaths from wounds, 
starvation, thirst, exhaustion, disease and exposure. 

This Memorial is a fitting and lasting tribute to them all.  There are many inspiring and often
 tragic stories of the great devotion and loyalty shown between horses, mules and donkeys
 and  their masters during some of the bloodiest conflicts of the 20th century, as can be
 read in Jilly Cooper's moving book Animals in War, published by Corg

Horses, Mules and Donkeys 

Eight million horses and countless mules and donkeys died in the First World War. They were
 used to transport ammunition and supplies to the front and many died, not only from the
 horrors of shellfire but also in terrible weather and appalling conditions. Mules were found to
 have tremendous stamina in extreme climates and over the most difficult terrain, serving 
courageously in the freezing mud on the Western Front and later at Monte Cassino in 
World War II. Equally they toiled unflinchingly in the oppressive heat of Burma, Eritrea 
and Tunisia. 


The dog's innate qualities of intelligence and devotion were valued and used by the forces
 in conflicts throughout the century. Among their many duties, these faithful animals ran 
messages, laid telegraph wires, detected mines, dug out bomb victims and acted as guard or
 patrol dogs. Many battled on despite horrific wounds and in terrifying circumstances to the
 limit of their endurance, showing indomitable courage and supreme loyalty to their handlers.


More than 100,000 pigeons served Britain in the First World War and 200,000 in World War II. 
They performed heroically and saved thousands of lives by carrying vital messages, some-
times over long distances, when other methods of communication were impossible. Flying at
 the rate of a mile a minute from the front line, from behind enemy lines or from ships or 
aeroplanes, these gallant birds would struggle on through all weathers, even when severely
 wounded and exhausted, in order to carry their vital messages home.

Other Animals

Elephants, camels, oxen, bullocks, cats, canaries, even glow worms — all these creatures,
 great  and small, contributed their strength, their energy and their lives in times of war and 
conflict to the British, Commonwealth and Allied forces during the 20th century.

2001 Release:   Against the backdrop of the Great War, Joey (the horse) begins an odyssey full of danger, joy and sorrow, and he transforms everyone he meets along the way. 

Monday, June 4, 2018

Sunday Program, June 10 at 2 pm

Want to learn more before Sunday? This just showed up at the Library of American's  Story of the Week

Computer classes offered at Capitan Library

A basic computer class will be offered at Capitan PL beginning Thursday June 14 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm and will run for 6 weeks. The class is free but limited in size so sign ups are required. Call 354-3035 or come by the Library - 102 E 2nd Street. The class is provided by the Adult Literacy Program. 

Thursday, May 31, 2018

First Saturday means BAG OF BOOKS FOR $5

You might find some books to read in bed
Library open on Saturdays: 10 am to 2 pm

Come grab some books!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Carrizozo Music Sunday June 3

Free Concert           5-7 PM
Tango Lesson         4 PM 

Burgers on the grill 4-6 PM  ($5 advance, $8 at door) benefit Carrizozo Youth Sports, (575-973-0571 for ticket info)

Bring a lawn chair and join us for a fun evening!  Please pass the word!
Carrizozo Music, Inc. is pleased to announce that Folias Duo, international renown husband  and wife duet from Grand Rapids, MI, will perform in a Portico Concert on Sunday, June 3 from 5-7 PM
at the Carrizozo Woman’s Club.   Bring a lawn chair, enjoy an evening of tangos and milongas,
a tango lesson, and burgers off the grill. 
This event is sponsored by a Lincoln County Art Grant.

Folias Duo features flutist Carmen Maret and guitarist Andrew Bergeron. Bergeron and Maret met at
 Michigan State  University while finishing their Master’s Degrees in Music. 
The formation of the duo was brought about  by a mutual
 inspiration for the music of Astor Piazzolla and through their work as Argentine tango dance band leaders.
 Folias Duo's  fifteen year performer/composer collaboration has taken this nomadic husband and 
wife duo to stages throughout the United States and around the globe including Sweden, 
Denmark, Germany, Austria, Italy, Portugal, Argentina, and Chile. They have a fearless approach 
to developing new compositions for flute and guitar, an expertise for arrangements of
Argentine tango, and a passion for South American folk, jazz and world music.

Andrew Bergeron is instructor of guitar and music theory at Grand Rapids Community CollegeGrand Valley 
State University and Aquinas College. Andrew is a founding performer and composer with the Grand
 Rapids Guitar Quartet. He is also a Blue Griffin Performing artist. 
Carmen Maret is an endorsed Pearl Flutes artist and Blue Griffin Recording artist. Carmen is professor of 
flute at Aquinas College.  

Charlotte Pawlak, who studied dance at Texas Tech University, and danced with Deborah Rogers at 
the Ruidoso Dance Ensemble, will teach a free tango lesson at 4 PM. Come learn to tango, or watch
 the fun while enjoying a burger.  

Carrizozo Youth Sports, Inc. will hold a benefit with burgers or vegie burgers hot off the grill, chips and 
drink from 4-6:30.   Dinner tickets are $5 for advance sales or $8 at the door.  Call Fran at 575-973-0571 or go to for ticket information.  Take-out available.  

For information about Carrizozo Music, Inc., the 2018 season schedule and concert updates please
 check, email or call Elaine at 575-648-2757.  Carrizozo Music, a 501c3, sponsors a series of classical concerts, summer Portico Concerts and
 an extensive school outreach program of concerts and workshops, with a commitment to providing
 free quality music to the students and residents of Lincoln County and the surrounding area.
To reach the Woman’s Club from Route 54, turn West at 12th Street, between the 54 Emporium and
 Roy's Ice Cream Parlor. Turn right onto D Ave and drive one block to the historic WPA building on the
 corner of 11th Street and D Avenue (908 11th Street, Carrizozo, 88301).

Monday, May 28, 2018

Be a Rock Star!

Sponsor a child in Summer Reading. $10 helps provide snacks, prizes and speakers. 
     What you will be supporting for the next generation:

The benefits of summer reading programming for children:
  • Children are motivated to read.
  • Children develop positive attitudes about reading, books, and the library.
  • Children maintain their reading skills during summer vacation.
  • Children have access to experiences that further their sense of discovery.
  • Children have access to experiences through which they can learn to work cooperatively.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Libraries Rock! Summer Reading Program

Summer Reading starts June 4 meeting every Monday at 10 am to 11:30 am. ( We've got treats to eat while here for the program.)  For 8 weeks a new program happens that Monday with the final grand program/party on July 23. We are still accepting registrations.  If you have grandkids visiting for a week or two in the Summer, bring the kids on over to participate in that week's program.

The benefits of summer reading programming for children:
  • Children are motivated to read.
  • Children develop positive attitudes about reading, books, and the library.
  • Children maintain their reading skills during summer vacation.
  • Children have access to experiences that further their sense of discovery.
  • Children have access to experiences through which they can learn to work cooperatively.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Help place flags for Memorial Day at Fort Stanton on Friday, May 25 @ 9:30

     Spencer Volunteer Ushers will again be leading and placing the American flags on the grave sites of those who have passed at the Fort Stanton State Veteran's Cemetery in getting ready for the Memorial Day ceremony on Saturday morning.  There are 1,800 flags that need to be placed on Friday and removed on Tuesday
     Please encourage all those who are interested in helping to place these flags.  It is a privilege to be able to do this and honor those who served this country.

Time:  9:30 A.M.

Place:  Fort Stanton State Veteran's Cemetery, Fort Stanton

Please bring a screw driver to ensure that flags can be placed in the hole.  

Creative Aging Meeting: Friday, May 25 at 10am, ENMU-Ruidoso Room #102

Resilience is the topic of this meeting.
It focuses on how to recover from difficult experiences.
Aging has its challenges, learning about resilience can help us all to persevere through troubled times and increase our resourcefulness to move on and live fully.
I hope you will enjoy this presentation as much as I have studying it.

Dr. Steve Poland is a psychologist who teaches resilience at UNM’s Continuing Education Dept
This presentation will be interactive with a desire to hear your stories, both stories of success and those of failures when faced with unexpected challenges.
We believe we can learn a great deal from each other.
And refreshments this time will be a POTLUCK.
Please bring something to eat and share. Bring friends as well.
I will provide coffee and water.
Thank you for your continued support and volunteer help.
Clara Farah, 575.975.7835